動画で学べる英語辞書!Joshua’s English Dictionaryは、「want」の発音や意味と使い方をアメリカ人講師による動画で勉強できます。「want」の頻出フレーズや豊富な例文を通して、英語の運用能力を高めましょう!英単語の意味を知るだけでなく、使いこなしたい方へ☆
wantの動画辞書|Joshua’s English Dictionary
英単語wantの意味(箇条書き)|Joshua’s 英語辞書・英英和辞典
Used as a VERB.
- 必要を感じる、~したいと望む。to feel need of; to wish or long for; to desire; to crave.
- 不足する、不十分である。to need something that is insufficient or lacking.
Used as a NOUN.
- 必要性。a necessity, something wanted.
Joshua’s Seven-Step Method -効果的な英語勉強法-
Joshua’s Seven-Step Methodで、英単語thinkの発音や意味、使い方をマスターしましょう!
Step 1: wantの発音の仕方 | Pronunciation
- American : /wɑːnt/
- British : /wɒnt/
Step 2: 語源 | The Word Origin
So, from the Word Origin, ”lacking, deficient” is the essential meaning of ”want”.
Step 3: 現代の意味・定義 | Definition
The modern usages of this word are:
Used as a VERB.
First meaning, to feel need of; to wish or long for; to desire; to crave. 必要を感じる、~したいと望む。
For example – I want to speak to you about your strategy for next week’s negotiation.
Second meaning, to need something that is insufficient or lacking. 不足する、不十分である。
For example – He wants more time to complete the report.
Used as a NOUN.
First meaning, a necessity, something wanted. 必要性。
For example – The homeless man’s wants are few: a hot shower, some clean clothing and a bowl of hot soup.
Step 4: wantの派生語・関連語
- wanted, wanting
- unwanted, wane
Step 5: wantの語形成要素
Step 6: コロケーション(単語の自然なつながり)
A collocation is the natural connection of words.
Used as a VERB.
He desperately wants to find a new job.
Note: In this sentence “desperately” means “in an extreme manner.”
Step 7: wantの頻出フレーズと例文
Used as a VERB.
want you
I just want you to be silent and take notes at the meeting.
want me
Do you want me to buy you a hamburger?
want it
I want it with extra pickles.
you want
Do you want any French fries with your order?
want to do
What do you want to do with the old computers?
want to go
Do you want to go to a movie this weekend?
want to know
I want to know what you were doing this morning.
want to see
I want to see the new exhibit at the art museum.
want to get
Do you want to get a drink after work on Friday?
want to make
Do you want to make a lot of money?
want to talk about
Do you want to talk about it?
want to talk to
I want to talk to the person in charge.
Note: “person in charge” means “the most senior person and have an authority or responsibility over something or someone.”
*「person in charge」の意味は、「最高責任者、責任ある担当者」
want to go to
Do you want to go to the Knicks game tomorrow?
Note: “Knicks” are an American professional basketball team based in the New York City.
want you to know
I want you to know that the boss isn’t happy with your work.
want to make sure
I want to make sure that you know what I expect you to do.
want me to do
What do you want me to do tomorrow?
want to do it
Please decide whether or not you want to do it.
Great job!
You now have mastered the word “want.”