動画で学べる英語辞書!Joshua’s English Dictionaryは、「fifth」の発音や意味と使い方をアメリカ人講師による動画で勉強できます。「fifth」の頻出フレーズや豊富な例文を通して、英語の運用能力を高めましょう!英単語の意味を知るだけでなく、使いこなしたい方へ☆
fifthの動画辞書|Joshua’s English Dictionary
英単語fifthの意味(箇条書き)|Joshua’s 英語辞書・英英和辞典
Used as an ADJ.
- 5番目の。Next in order after fourth; the ordinal of five.
- 5分の1の。Consisting of one of five equal divisions of a thing.
Used as a NOUN.
- 5番目。A fifth part; one of five equal parts; the quotient of a unit divided by five.
Joshua’s Seven-Step Method -効果的な英語勉強法-
Joshua’s Seven-Step Methodで、英単語fifthの発音や意味、使い方をマスターしましょう!
Step 1: fifthの発音の仕方 | Pronunciation
- American : /fɪfθ/
- British : /fɪfθ/
Step 2: 語源 | The Word Origin
fifthは、Old Englishの「fifthe」に由来し、「five + -th」で成り立っています。
The word, ‘fifth’, is derived from Old English “fifthe,” which consists “five + -th”.
“five” means “one more than four, and one less than six”
接尾辞の「-th」は、序数(ordinal numbers)を作るときの語形成要素です。
Suffix “-th” is the word-forming element used to make ordinal numbers.
From the Word Origin, “next in order after fourth” is the essential meaning of ‘fifth’.
Note: Ordinal numbers (first, second, third, fourth, fifth, etc) are in distinction from the numbers (one, two, three, four, five, etc) which are called Cardinal numbers.
*「Ordinal numbers」とは順番を示す「序数」であり、「Cardinal numbers」とはどれくらいの数があるのかを示す「基数」という意味です。
Step 3: 現代の意味・定義 | Definition
The modern usages of “fifth” are:
Used as an ADJ.
First meaning, next in order after fourth; the ordinal of five. 5番目の。
For example – By the fifth day of the cruise, he was more than ready to go home.
Note: “more than ready” means “very much.”
*「more than ready」の意味は、「~したくてたまらない、~する気満々」。
Second meaning, consisting of one of five equal divisions of a thing. 5分の1の。
For example – By the fifth part of his presentation, he lost most of the audience.
Note: Meaning – He lost the interest from most of the audience.
Used as a NOUN.
Main meaning, a fifth part; one of five equal parts; the quotient of a unit divided by five. 5番目。
For example – He drank a fifth of whiskey. I think this could be dangerous.
Note: “a fifth of whiskey” is 750 ml; a fifth of a gallon.
*「a fifth of whiskey」とは、1ガロン(3.785ℓ)の約5分の1の量のウィスキーのことです。
Step 4: fifthの派生語・関連語
Step 5: fifthの語形成要素と応用例
Suffix “-th.”
- fourth, seventh, tenth, eleventh, twelfth, seventeenth, nineteenth, etc.
Step 6: コロケーション(単語の自然なつながり)
A collocation is the natural connection of words.
He had trouble passing the fifth grade.
The Fifth Amendment to the US Constitution is designed to protect the innocent.
Note: “amendment” means “correction of an error in a writ or process; an alteration or change for the better.”
Step 7: fifthの頻出フレーズと例文
fifth of
He was born on the fifth of July.
fifth and
The boxer was knocked down in the fifth and sixth rounds of the bout.
Note: “bout” means “a brief period of a fighting match.”
fifth in
He was the fifth in the ATM line.
the fifth
The starting pitcher was lifted in the fifth inning.
Note: In this sentence “lifted in” means “Pitcher was replaced.”
*この例文における「lifted in」の意味は、「降板、ピッチャー交代」。
a fifth
After drinking a fifth of whiskey at the party, the college student had to be taken to the hospital.
to the fifth
The golfer was doing well until he came to the fifth hole.
at the fifth
Turn right at the fifth traffic light.
the fourth and fifth
Ohtani hit a home run in the fourth and fifth innings, as the Angels put on a hitting show.
the fourth or fifth
They didn’t like the singer and left after the fourth or fifth song.
Great job!
You now have mastered the word “fifth.”