動画で学べる英語辞書!Joshua’s English Dictionaryは、「welcome」の発音や意味と使い方をアメリカ人講師による動画で勉強できます。「welcome」の頻出フレーズや豊富な例文を通して、英語の運用能力を高めましょう!英単語の意味を知るだけでなく、使いこなしたい方へ☆

welcomeの動画辞書|Joshua’s English Dictionary

英単語welcomeの意味(箇条書き)|Joshua’s 英語辞書・英英和辞典

  1. 歓迎する、喜んで迎える。Received with gladness; admitted willingly to the house, entertainment, or company.
  2. 喜びを生み出す、ありがたく思う。Producing gladness; grateful.
  3. 無料で、支払いなしに楽しむ。Free to have or enjoy without pay.

Joshua’s Seven-Step Method -効果的な英語勉強法-

Joshua’s Seven-Step Methodで、英単語welcomeの発音や意味、使い方をマスターしましょう!


Step 1: welcomeの発音の仕方 | Pronunciation
  • American : /ˈwelkəm/
  • British : /ˈwelkəm/
Step 2: 語源 | The Word Origin

welcomeは、アングロサクソンの「wilcuma」に由来し、これは「wil- + cuma」で成り立っています。




So, from the Word Origin, “One who comes so as to please another’s will” is the essential meaning of welcome.

Step 3: 現代の意味・定義 | Definition

The modern usages of this word are:

First meaning, received with gladness; admitted willingly to the house, entertainment, or company. 歓迎する、喜んで迎える。

As, to welcome a visitor; to welcome a new idea.

For example – He welcomed them to come inside and meet his family.

Second meaning, producing gladness; grateful. 喜びを生み出す、ありがたく思う。

As, a welcome present; welcome news; welcome party.

For example – We plan to throw a welcome party when our colleague arrives from London.

Third Meaning, free to have or enjoy without pay. 無料で、支払いなしに楽しむ。

For example– You are welcome to use my library anytime.

Step 4: welcomeの派生語・関連語
  • unwelcome, welcome news
Step 5: welcomeの語形成要素と応用例

Prefix “wil-” means “will”.

  • willful, William, willing, willpower, willy-nilly

Old English “cuma” evolved into “come”.

  • comeback, come-down, come-outer, comer, cometh, comeuppance, coming
  • income, incoming, newcomer, oncoming, outcome, overcome, upcoming
Step 6: コロケーション(単語の自然なつながり)

A collocation is the natural connection of words.

Used as a VERB.



The office workers always welcomed their extra afternoon break on Fridays.



Welcome back. it’s nice to see you again.


Welcome home.


Please welcome our next speaker Mr. Nathan Smith.

Step 7: welcomeの頻出フレーズと例文

welcome to

Welcome to Tokyo. How was your flight?

welcome you

I’d like to welcome you to our company.

we welcome

We welcome any suggestions that you may have to improve our production

good evening and welcome

Good evening and welcome ladies and gentlemen.

I want to welcome

I want to welcome our special guest Mr. Christopher Smith.

would like to welcome

We would like to welcome everyone to join us for a cocktail reception in the lobby.

Note: “cocktail” means “a beverage usually made from a mixture of strong alcoholic drink and fruit juice.”


join me in welcoming

Please join me in welcoming Mr. Craney who came all the way from Toronto.

Note: “all the way” use to emphasize long distance.

*「all the way」の意味は、「はるばる、遠いところ、わざわざ」。

good morning and welcome

Good morning and welcome everyone.

you are not welcome

I’m afraid you are not welcome here.

Note: “I’m afraid” use to “polite expression when yon refusing someone.”

*「I’m afraid」は、何かを断るときの丁寧表現として使われる。

great pleasure to welcome

It gives me a great pleasure to welcome Michael Jackson.

welcome to the program

Michael, Jeff, Sarah, welcome to the program. You are great additions to the team.

welcome to the world

Welcome to the world of reality TV.

welcome to the discussion

You are welcome to join our discussion by sending your comments to our website.


Great job! 素晴らしいです!
