動画で学べる英語辞書!Joshua’s English Dictionaryは、「exactly」の発音や意味と使い方をアメリカ人講師による動画で勉強できます。「exactly」の頻出フレーズや豊富な例文を通して、英語の運用能力を高めましょう!英単語の意味を知るだけでなく、使いこなしたい方へ☆
exactlyの動画辞書|Joshua’s English Dictionary
英単語exactlyの意味(箇条書き)|Joshua’s 英語辞書・英英和辞典
- 正確な、基準や事実に基づいて適切な。In an exact manner; precisely according to a rule, standard, or fact.
Joshua’s Seven-Step Method -効果的な英語勉強法-
Joshua’s Seven-Step Methodで、英単語exactlyの発音や意味、使い方をマスターしましょう!
Step 1: exactlyの発音の仕方 | Pronunciation
- American : /ɪɡˈzæktli/
- British : /ɪɡˈzæktli/
Step 2: 語源 | The Word Origin
exactlyは、「exact + -ly」で構成されています。
It consists of “exact + -ly.”
“exact” means “precise, accurate.”
Suffix “-ly” means “like or manner.” It is a common adverbial suffix.
So, from the Word Origin, “in an exact manner” is the essential meaning of “exactly.”
Step 3: 現代の意味・定義 | Definition
The modern usage of this word is the same as the word origin.
Meaning, in an exact manner; precisely according to a rule, standard, or fact. 正確な、基準や事実に基づいて適切な。
For example – He won the chess match because his opponent acted exactly as he anticipated.
Step 4: exactlyの派生語・関連語
Step 5: exactlyの語形成要素と応用例
Root word “exact.”
- exacting, exactitude, exactness
- inexact
Common adverbial Suffix “-ly.”
- absolutely, abstractly, accidentally, accordingly, actively
- blankly, blindly, bloodily, bluntly, bodily, briefly
- calmly, carefully, carnally, certainly, etc.
Step 6: コロケーション(単語の自然なつながり)
Step 7: exactlyの頻出フレーズと例文
Used as an Adverb.
exactly how
Please tell me exactly how you want it done.
exactly right
Your answer is good, but not exactly right.
exactly why
Please tell me exactly why you would like to get an MBA degree.
exactly who
Exactly who told you that our company will close next April?
isn’t exactly
This isn’t exactly the color I wanted.
know exactly
Do you know exactly what was said by the two gentlemen?
knew exactly
The little girl knew exactly what she spent at the vegetable shop.
exactly what I
This leather bag isn’t exactly what I want.
exactly what you
Can you tell me exactly what you expect for each project milestone.
Note: “project milestone” means “a measure the progress or performance in a project that denotes a change or stage in development.”
*「project milestone」の意味は、「作業の進捗状況の確認地点、区切り。」
exactly what he
Can you remember exactly what he said?
exactly what they
I wrote down exactly what they said.
exactly what happened
Exactly what happened the other night?
doesn’t know exactly
The doctor doesn’t know exactly how the virus spreads.
I know exactly
I know exactly what I need for my project to be successful.
exactly the same way
Do this exactly the same way as the teacher.
it wasn’t exactly
It wasn’t exactly an award-winning performance.
no one knows exactly
No one knows exactly if there is life after death.
look exactly like
The girl looks exactly like her older sister.
Great job! 素晴らしいです!